6th-Grade Conference Information

6th Grade Conference

Dear parents, and serving ones,

On Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 am to 11:45 am we will have an online preparation meeting for the upcoming 6th-grade conference. Translation will be provided into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 3404 7635

We would like to particularly ask for at least one parent of each sixth grader planning on attending the 6th-grade conference, as well as all those who will be shepherding them during and after the conference to join us for this crucial time of fellowship. The upcoming junior high years are a key determining factor in retaining and gaining our young people during their crucial transition from childhood to the teenage years so we hope we can all labor in one accord with one view to gain them during this weekend and beyond.

6th Grade Conference

Dates: May 3 – 5, 2024
Registration deadline: April 21
Cost: $115 per person

We are joyful to announce that the 6th Grade Conference this year will be in-person at Oak Glen. Please make sure to read all the information thoroughly. Registration is NOW open.

The 6th-grade conference is intended for ONLY the children who are currently in 6th grade. We will not allow any 5th or 7th graders and older to participate in the 6th-grade conference.

Due to space at the camp, we will start limiting the participation of both parents. From now on we will only allow ONE parent or legal guardian per 6th grader to participate in the conference. 

Frequently Asked Questions
Can both parents attend the 6th-grade conference?
Because of the limitation of space, we allow only ONE parent or legal guardian to attend. But for the cabins, we still keep the principle of placing brothers with brothers (boys) and sisters with sisters (girls). Example: Dad comes with a daughter. The daughter stays together with the other sisters from that locality, and the dad will be placed with the other brothers from that locality. Because of the space at the camp, we cannot accommodate families together.

Can I bring other children to the conference?
Is very important to remember that this is a 6th Grade conference. Only 6th graders are allowed to participate in the conference. Because of the importance of the conference, other children in 5th grade or younger or 7th grade or older cannot attend the conference. This includes siblings.

Background Check
All parents, serving ones, and helpers over the age of 18 who attend any overnight SCYP events, must complete a mandatory background check every 3 years. To fill out your background check visit:


Please contact a local serving one to confirm if you already submitted one to avoid duplicates.

Oak Glen Release of Liability and Medical Consent Form
A current Liability and Medical Consent Form MUST be filled out by every attendee. Also, every young person not accompanied by a parent must also fill out the Health Screening Form as well. This form can be signed by parents or legal guardians. You can find these forms at:


To register, please complete the following  steps:

1) Submit your payment. Cost:$115

Submit Payment

2) Fill out a registration form for each participant.

Registration Form

For any questions contact one of the children serving ones in your district.